I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me], you can do nothing. John 15:5
A Healthy Dependence
Dependency. Like any word, it can take on several meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
You may have a dependency on illegal drugs, alcohol, bad relationships, churchy work, praise from others, or 'fill in the blank'.
Have you ever considered that we are designed to be dependent?
We will automatically be dependent because it is in our DNA.
Our original ma and pa, Adam and Eve, depended on God for their physical, emotional, and spiritual sustenance.
Yet, they chose to be dependent on themselves.
As followers of Christ, we have been given back what Adam and Eve had relinquished: our ability to depend upon God for our lives.
I realize conceptually that I am dependent upon God for my next breath, heartbeat, etc., yet how hard it is to break into the practice of dependence on Him for the totality of my existence.
That is to know that Jesus Christ is my life.
How easy it is to strive and drive towards some earthly victory and celebrate like a toddler who just went to the potty alone, so I can feel that I did it all by myself.
Yet, as God's children, He loves us so much that He wants us to experience the freedom of dependence on Him.
There is freedom in the revelation and faith that we can do nothing of lasting purpose apart from Him and everything in His strength that is born through our weakness.
In what ways have you been dependent upon yourself instead of God?
What is the one step you must take to depend upon God entirely?
Lord, may we see that our true freedom is in You. May we believe that we are hidden with Christ in You. Amen