I have sinned against You, You only, And done this evil in Your sight— That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge. Psalm 51:4
Warning: This post is a different take on popular views!
Accepting And Applying Forgiveness
How do you forgive yourself when there is only one of you?
Forgiving myself has never worked for me.
I understand the direction many counselors, authors, and psychologists come from using this method or theory.
I love forgiveness, especially when someone else forgives me.
So, if there is just one of me, how can I forgive myself when a forgiveness transaction requires two parties?
I cannot find a Biblical command to forgive ourselves.
I can find several for forgiving others as God has forgiven us!
I can find many where God, through Jesus Christ, forgives me.
Solution: Accept the forgiveness Christ has already given you.
This is like opening the present in August that had been under the tree since last Christmas.
In Psalm 51:4, King David proclaims that it was against God only that he had sinned and done what was evil in His sight. Interestingly, this was following the murder of one of his commanders to cover up his other sin of sleeping with the commander's wife.
Does this mean that David didn't sin against Uriah? Nope, but ultimately, it is always God we sin against, and from Him, we receive His forgiveness.
When we sin against others, we sin against the people He created and loves and against His image in them.
Why would I need a Savior if I had the power to forgive myself?
Humble yourself and receive the forgiveness that God has already given you as His child.
As you reflect, have you accepted the fullness and completeness of God's forgiveness through Jesus?
What is keeping you from receiving God’s acceptance through Jesus Christ?
How would your life and the lives of others be changed if you were set free from the sins that bind you?
Lord, thank you that you do not keep a record of our wrongs. May we be empowered to remember ours to the extent of learning from them but not living condemned because of them. Amen