Or do you have no regard for the wealth of His kindness and tolerance and patience in withholding His wrath? Are you actually unaware or ignorant of the fact]that God’s kindness leads you to repentance, that is, to change your inner self, your old way of thinking—seek His purpose for your life? Roman 2:4 AMP
Conviction and Identity
Conviction exposes the Father’s love to His sons and daughters.
The Holy Spirit’s conviction comes from the heart of the Father, and His children know it’s a call to come back and abide in Him.
Much like my mom's call out the back door on late summer nights to come in and eat with the family.
I could recognize her voice, and I knew the intent of her heart.
Father means to come forth from, and this is Who gives us our identity as sons and daughters.
Conviction is recognized by the heart of a child as a call to come home, for His kindness and goodness lead us to repentance.
Repentance is turning around and realigning your mind with the Mind of Christ.
The Mind of Christ is the mind of a Son perfectly loved by His Father.
Make sure to distinguish the Father's convicting voice from the enemy's condemning voice.
One leads to hope, and the other to hopelessness.
Know His heart and recognize His voice so you may lead well by following well.
Lord, You are so good. Your love endures forever. Your love is perfect. Your ways are wonderful whether we understand them or not. Please find us listening closely for Your voice that we may follow to bless You and love others for Your glory. Amen