For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
Denial Masquerades As Faith
One of the earliest survival mechanisms I learned was denial.
Through my early years, I strapped on a pair of rose-colored glasses called optimism and waltzed through life, denying that anything wrong was happening to me or around me.
Being a victim of sexual abuse outside my home, I coped by denying the festering wounds and by focusing on only good things.
It was denial masquerading as faith.
I couldn’t admit what had happened and was placing my faith in what I hoped would happen in the future to make me happy.
But recognizing my own personal sin awakened in me the great need for a Savior.
I needed Someone to rescue me and give me a new life.
Yet that same recognition of my sin led me to the sobering need to forgive the sins committed against me.
God’s light exposed all.
To truly forgive a sin, you must call out what it truly is in light of the great evil that has been done.
I could forgive once I could come face-to-face with the true nature of the evil committed against me.
Then, in the light of Jesus’ command to forgive one another, and in the power He alone can give, I could forgive those who had sinned against me.
My faith is now in Him, Who can make all things work for good toward those who love Him and are called to His purposes.
I no longer live in the bondage of unforgiveness or the false sense of security that denial promises.
What areas in your life are you using denial to survive?
Who do you need to forgive to obtain your freedom?
Lord, bring Your light to each area of our souls. Follow it with a complete revelation of Your love for us and others. May we be known as both forgiven and forgivers. Amen