Now, the Lord is the Spirit; where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).2 Corinthians 3:17 (AMP)
Freed From And To
"To have been set free and then run past other prisoners should be unthinkable." MBW
Sometimes, it seems so obvious the things that God wants to set us free from addictions, unforgivingness, attitudes, failures, etc.
It rarely takes discernment to identify these things.
Discernment is needed to recognize what He is freeing you for.
It was evident to Moses that God wanted to free His people from Egypt.
But it wasn’t to just wander for years in the desert!
He had a Promise Land He had freed them for.
God sets us free from bondage because He has a purpose for us.
He desires to work in us so He can work through us.
Then, we can live the abundant life He promises, bearing fruit for Him.
Yes, it is for freedom God sets us free, but this freedom is not freedom until we use the key of His Good News He has given us on the locks of others.
To have been set free and then run past other prisoners should be unthinkable.
As you seek God’s guidance, ask Him to reveal where you are on your journey with Him.
If you have been set free, who are the prisoners He wants you to walk with in His promises?
May God awaken us all to walk in the "for" after we have been freed "from".
Thank you, Lord, for The freedom You have given us! Freedom to walk in the purpose of love You have designed us to live. How great this love You have poured out into our hearts to be then poured out for others. Bless You for co-union with us. Amen