There is a little boy here, who has with him five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many people? John 6:9
God Is Always Enough
Often, we confuse living by sight with a lack of faith.
The very recognition that Andrew was seeing is significant.
To be a miracle, there needs to be an absence of enough.
In this case, enough food was absent.
Faith is not a lack of seeing; it is seeing through the eyes of God's kingdom where there is enough.
Faith is seeing what is to be.
So, faith doesn't deny a lack of something; it recognizes and asks for God's sufficiency to suffice.
God is always enough. (Read again)
In what areas of your life do you believe God isn't enough?
In your relationships?
In your circumstances?
In your failures?
In your future?
In your family?
In your choices?
Lord, give us eyes to see Your kingdom come into our everyday lives. May living without the expectancy of Your sufficiency be a rarity in our life. Amen