"Praise be to the LORD, for He has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I praise him." Psalm 28:6-7
God Is Good!
Everything was going according to plan until it.. wasn't!
You know the drill.
You've lived it so many times in your journey with Christ Jesus.
You can sing the songs and pray the prayers about trust until you get the "news."
(Fill in the blank for "news." It changes with the season, experience, or expectations)
Then you choke on the words about surrendering all, trusting in all things, and following to the end.
Now what?
"A faith that hasn't been tested can't be trusted." Adrian Rodgers
Here is the good news.
Now, we are in a position to trust our Papa!
How do we know we are faithful if we are not tested?
Without faith, it is impossible to please God, and it pleases Him to give us that opportunity!
Circumstances can release the drawbridge of faith we trust to walk on to glorify God.
But we still must walk. (Yeah, it seems like a crummy system)
So, what do we know?
He supplies all our needs (to accomplish our calling) according to His riches in glory.
We are victors in Him.
He loves us regardless of our circumstances, for we are hidden with Christ in Him, and so are our circumstances.
There is no circumstance that He can not use to glorify Himself.
He LOVES us, for while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
So look for the opportunity to trust our Papa in every circumstance.
Even when you don't know what He is doing, you can know His heart is good.
What has been your most significant test for trusting our Abba Father?
What have you learned about trusting Him?
Are you trusting that everything will turn out alright, or are you trusting that He will be glorified in your life?
Lord, You are the giver and sustainer of life. You have authored our faith, and You alone will finish it. To You be the Glory! Amen