Beloved brothers and sisters, we want you to be quite certain about the truth concerning those who have passed away so that you won’t be overwhelmed with grief like many others who have no hope.
1 Thessalonians 4:13
Grieving with Hope
Should’ve, Could’ve, and Would’ve can be haunting words.
No one can look back on living a perfect life; we only look forward to perfection coming when we find ourselves back home with God, our Father.
Grief has a way of magnifying our errors of commission and omission.
Grief awakens us to the reality of life.
Grief highlights what is essential and critical in life while shadowing everything we thought was important.
Grief contrasts the precious life of relationships against the tyranny of tasks.
This dance of life shows us that only people are important and things are props at best and surreal distractions at worst.
We grieve not only for people who have passed away, but we can also grieve over lost dreams and relationships.
Ask God to reveal any ungrieved losses with the Holy Spirit's light and lead you to complete healing.
Who or what are you grieving?
Is it someone close?
Is it an unfulfilled dream?
Is it a relationship?
What have you learned about Abba Father in your grief?
What have you learned about relationships in your grief?
What have you learned about yourself in your grief?
Allow yourself to grieve, for grief is a love word.
We only grieve the people and dreams we love.
Lord, as painful as grief is, I thank You for awakening me to life and calling me to live in all You desire for me to experience through You. May I not shrink from fulling grieving and knowing the depth of love. Amen