Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Matthew 4:23
Holy Interruptions
The Nobleman's Son (Jn 4:46).
The Man with an Unclean Spirit ( Mk 1:21, Lu 4:31).
Simon Peter's Mother-in-Law (Matt 8:14, Mk 1:29, Lu 4:38).
The Healing of the Leper (Matt 8:1, Mk 1:40, Lu 5:12).
The Healing of the Paralytic (Matt 9:1, Mk 2:1, Lu 5:17).
The Man at Bethesda pool (Jn. 5:2).
The Man with the Withered Hand (Matt 12:9, Mk 3:1, Lu 6:6).
The Centurion's Servant (Matt 8:5; Lu 7:2)
Widow's Deceased Son (Lu 7:11)
Demoniacs at Gadara (Matt 8:28; Mk 5:1; Lu 8:26)
Woman with the Issue of Blood (Matt 9:20; Mk 5:25; Lu 8:43)
Jairus's Deceased Daughter (Matt 9:18; Mk 5:21; Lu 8:40)
Two Blind Men (Matt 9:27)
Mute, Possessed Man (Matt 9:32)
Daughter of Canaanite (Matt 15:21; Mk 4:24)
Deaf Man with Impediment (Mk 7:32)
Blind Man at Bethsaida (Mk 8:22)
Epileptic Boy (Matt 17:14; Mk 9:14; Lu 9:37)
Man Born Blind (Jn 9:1)
Man, Blind, Dumb, Possessed (Matt 12:22; Lu 11:14)
Woman Bent Double (Lu 13:10)
Man with Dropsy (Lu 14:1)
Lazarus (Jn 11:11)
Ten Lepers (Lu 17:11)
Blind Bartimaeus (Matt 20:29; Mk 10:45; Lu 18:35)
Each of the above interactions with Jesus happened as He journeyed.
To that tug on your sleeve from your child.
The untimely call of a friend.
The tears of a co-worker.
To anything that interrupts your day.
It could be love calling you.
Love Is Present
Stop and see what the Father sees in everyone you meet. If you ask, He will show you.
How do you respond to interruptions?
How have you scheduled yourself where you've no margin left to love?
How has God tried to get you to look up from your task and into the eyes of those He seeks?
Lord, forgive me for living my agenda as though my personal life is the reference point. Jesus, You are my life. Amen