But He gives a greater grace. Therefore, it says, "God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6
Pride or Humility?
Pride is the carbon monoxide of sin. It silently and slowly kills you without you even knowing. Tim Keller
I have often thought that pride is the root of sin.
Out of his pride, the most beautiful angel, Satan, decided that he was more significant than the One who created him.
Pride does the same thing; it puts us on the throne of our lives.
Pride believes that we are God and in charge of taking care of ourselves and ordering our world to conform to us and our demands.
It says, "Hey God, I am big enough, know enough, and strong enough to do this life on my own."
Humility is saying I am not to all of these, and I need a Savior and Lord to have life and to live it out to His glory and not my own.
Only in our humility are we fully aware of being alive because we have only given space in our lives for God.
How would you describe pride?
How do you describe humility?
How can you recognize pride in your own life?
Can you describe the difference in your life when you've been humbled?
Lord, You are God; we are not. Amen