"And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them together perfectly." Colossians 3:14
It’s All About Relationship
I recently received an email from a couple asking if Christianity is about keeping the law or relationships.
Or is it a mixture of both?
The ten commandments' original purpose is to outline relationships between each other and God.
It also points nonbelievers toward the need for a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
So, the purpose of the law is relationship.
It cannot cause or keep the relationship because there is no inherent power in the law (or old covenant) to make this happen.
Under our new covenant, what God demands, He works; what He asks, He does.
Let's look at a perfect model of a relationship!
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
What each one does, He does for the other.
We were made by Relationship, for Relationship.
He gave the Son a body to express Himself to the universe. (Ephesians 5:23, 29-30, Romans 12:4-5, I Corinthians 10:17) And also that the Holy Spirit would have a temple in which to dwell. (Ephesians 2:19-22)
The Son did not go to the cross for Himself.
He went to glorify the Father (John 7:18, 8:50, 8:54 & 14:13), and the Father gained a family. (John 1:12) Holy Spirit receives a temple.
He glorifies the Son by revealing just what the Son has done through the cross and resurrection. If anyone knows the Son, then he knows the Father, too. (John 14:9) The Holy Spirit glorifies the Son and the Father. (I originally read this concept from a lesson on Romans by Bob Warren)
So what each One does, He does for the other Two.
Made in the image of God, we, too, are made for relationships.
Think of current and past relationships with family and friends:
How did or do you respond when the relationships are strained or broken?
Why do you think that relationships can be painful and impactful?
Is there a relationship in your life that needs healing? If so, pray and move toward recovery.
Lord, You not only reveal the perfect relationship, but You are also our perfect relationship. Thank You for all the people You have blessed us with to love. Amen!