But Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” Immediately, the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24
Living By Faith
“It is not well for a man to pray cream and live skim milk." Henry Ward Beecher
This verse seems contradictory.
Does this father believe or not?
What does he believe, or in whom does he believe?
In Greek, the word in the above scripture for believe is a verb and indicates a saving trust in God.
The Greek word for unbelief is a noun portraiting a weakness, not an absence of faith.
I am constantly challenged to live by faith.
In fact, faith is the only currency in God's kingdom.
There is absolutely nothing else we can live by in His kingdom.
Thus, without faith, it is impossible to please Him because He is pleased by our living in His kingdom and His kingdom living in us.
Our Father cannot accomplish through us what He has designed or desired without the engagement of our faith in Him.
Our challenge is that our lives live up to our prayers.
When our lives become as full of His promise as our prayers, we will begin to see true transformation in our lives and communities.
Is there a chasm between your life and your prayers?
What are some prayers that have been answered that have transformed you?
Pray: Lord, forgive me for my unbelief. Forgive me for asking big but not believing, living big in your promise. May my life be full of You. You can do more than I can imagine or ask, so may I walk in an abundance of your love so there will be no explanation for my life. Amen