But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions. Galatians 5:22 TPT
Love Love Love
“All you need is love.” Lennon and McCartney
For God so loved...
The goal of our instruction is love...
And now a more excellent way...
The only thing that matters is faith expressing itself in love...
The greatest commandments...
Our purpose is to love.
Not to seek our own.
We are not keeping records of wrongs.
We are not building a great church name.
But to love God and our neighbors with the love He has poured into us!
There is no other Kingdom like His.
Carbon is the building block of earthly things, but love is God's kingdom's building block.
And we are God's body He is building up to express Himself to this world He loves.
Sink into His love like a feather bed on a cold morning and rest.
In what ways have you been trying to love from your cistern instead of His well?
Lord, melt us together into one by the power of the Holy Spirit; let the Holy Spirit, who at Pentecost made them all of one heart and one soul, do His blessed work among us. May we know that You are working in us to will and do of Your good pleasure. And Your good pleasure is love. Amen