He is before all things; in Him, all things hold together. Colossians 1:17
My Grip vs. His Grasp
(Grip – to take and keep tight hold of) When we grip something, it’s usually out of a belief that we have the strength to make something happen or keep it from happening.
(Grasp – to seize and hold firmly). When God grasps, it’s because we’ve released our hold on ourselves and permitted Him to seize our futures for His purposes.
One of the most arduous spiritual tasks is giving up control and allowing the Spirit of God to lead our lives. Henri Nouwen
That's right. Because I, your God, have a firm grip on you, I'm not letting go. I'm telling you, 'Don't panic. I'm right here to help you.' Isaiah 41:13
I do not doubt that at the core of my struggles, I always want to be God.
By that, I struggle to control what I think the outcome should be.
Reality: I have a minimal view of a vast picture.
My part of life always resembles the old sandbox I used to play in as a child.
As far as I understood, it was all the sand in the world, and I was the owner, creator, and Boss Baby!
It was my reality.
In actuality, it was such a small part of a magnificent whole.
There was a lot more sand and a much bigger owner than me!
Striving to be in control is not living.
It is a vain attempt to fashion a fairy tale from life instead of living the great adventure God has designed for me.
So, when I bow down and say with my being, ‘I give up, Lord. You be God, and I'll be me.’ Then I start living in the freedom He designed for me to live.
His grasp is infinitely more secure than my grip.
In what ways are you being controlled by trying to control your life?
What are you gripping that you need to let go of?
Lord, thank You for your grasp of our lives. May we learn to trust our lives to You and Your love. Amen