Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory. Romans 15:7
Performance Based Acceptance
Do you live for or require of others a performance-based acceptance?
I discovered that the compulsive pace of my life mirrored the true beliefs of my heart. Whatever I said, I knew about God; I believed that my effort could wrest from Him love and acceptance based on my performance. I could not receive God's marvelous, utterly surprising grace until I stepped off the treadmill and waited with empty, needy hands. I could not hear His voice until I could separate Him from the nagging critic I carried inside me. Paula Rinehart
The core issue of performance-based acceptance is that each performance must be as good as the last or better.
It is also subjective based on whom or what you seek acceptance from.
Consider that acceptance from our Abba Father is objective.
It is based on Jesus' finished work on the cross, not our works!
Who do you seek your acceptance from?
Your current peers?
Church culture?
Internal critic?
The most freeing and life-giving understanding is knowing we are 100% accepted by our Abba Father through Jesus, His Son.
Through Jesus' perfect life lived, perfect death, and risen life at God's side, we have acceptance and the fulfillment of His life in us.
In what ways are you seeking acceptance?
From whom are you seeking acceptance?
Describe the freedom you can find knowing our Abba Father already accepts you.
Lord, thank You for our completed acceptance by You. May it be settled in our lives that we may walk intimately with You. Amen