All things are lawful (morally legitimate, permissible), but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life]. Let no one seek [only] his own good, but [also] that of the other person. I Corinthians 10:23-24
Profitable Or Permissible?
I've gotten caught in the "permissible" snare before. MBW
One of the most controversial areas in our Bible Belt is the consumption of alcohol.
Godly or not?
In some traditions and denominations, it may not be considered "unlawful"; in others, it is considered a sin.
Which one is right?
Wrong question.
A better question asks, "Is it beneficial? Is it constructive? Is it edifying?".
And a more profound question is, "Does it seek the best for the other person?".
"Love does not seek its own." I Corinthians 13
My journey includes a detour into the land of permissible wine bibbing.
Unlike 'normal' people, I wasn't a very good bibber but an excellent gulper!
In other words, if one drink is good, several more must be better.
My issue wasn't getting started; it was stopping.
What started as permissible ended up not in building up but tearing down.
Worse yet, I was seeking my way, not the best for others. It wasn't love because it was affecting my ability to love my family and others in the power God had given me.
I was turning my solid ground into sand, and loving without a firm foundation is impossible.
By the grace (that is the power) of Jesus, I could stop and stay there.
Be aware from my experience that some permissible things lead to a slippery slope.
Stop now if you fall into the "I ain't got no brakes" category. And seek help if you can't.
Please don't read this and make it an issue about alcohol-it can be about anything that snares you, relationships, seeking the praise of others, etc.
Because if there is anything in your life you are trying to is controlling you.
Don’t drink too much wine, for many evils lie along that path; be filled instead with the Holy Spirit and controlled by him. Ephesians 5:18
Lord, how You love us and desire that we are built up together to glorify You. You want to love others through us. May we not stand in Your way but offer our bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to You!
For the rest of you, normal folk, ask our Abba Father, "Is it beneficial, profitable, and loving?"
It may well be for some circles, friends, families, situations, and circumstances.
Please know that I abhor one-size-fits-all morality.
Only love can answer these questions in our lives.
Remember, our life is one step at a time with Him. We live by the Spirit, not by rules. So seek our Lifegiver.
What does living life to build up and love others look like in your life?
Lord, how You love us and desire that we are built up together to glorify You. You want to love others through us. May we not stand in Your way but offer our bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to You!