“I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” Psalm 34:4-5
Shadowboxing Your Fears
Shadowboxing your fears is what satan wants; it wears you out and makes you easier to manipulate. Mark B. Weaver
I am warning you upfront.
If this one sounds stern, the frustration isn't aimed at you but our enemy.
The enemy will use many different types of strongholds to hold you back from walking in the destiny God has designed and desires for you to glorify Him.
Fear is always what he uses to fuel his strongholds.
Looking behind the 'Wizard of Oz's' curtain on fear, we see a few of the following lies:
We fear that things will not turn out as we want. This is placing ourselves in God's providential role.
We are fearful of failing or being a failure. This is shame avoidance.
We are fearful of other's opinions. This is trying to find our identity outside of God.
We are fearful we have let God down. Please, He has plenty of resources left!
So the next time you are confronted by fear, stop and ask God to reveal the root lie that you believe is fueling the fear.
Eliminate the fuel from a fire it dies; eliminate the fear from your life you live.
What are you called to do that you are not currently walking in because of fear?
What would you be doing now if you knew you couldn't fail?
Where is there a pattern of fear in your life?
What areas, circumstances, or relationships are governed by fear?
Lord, You have overcome. You love us perfectly. We have been crucified with You; You now live Your life in us. May we fully consider ourselves dead to sin, ourselves, and the law. Amen