To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen. Galatians 1:5
Fixing or Leading?
Are you trying to "fix" people or lead them to Christ's healing love in your relationships?
What is the difference?
I remember a friend opening a meeting with a tremendous ice-breaking question; "If you could be any superhero, which one would you be?"
Of course, the answers varied, yet the question resonated more profoundly with the recognition that I must be a hero!
On the surface, this sounds honorable.
Yet, I have learned to ask God to search my heart to determine which thoughts are "clean" or "unclean."
Convictingly, unclean was the response!
Ask, "Who gets the glory?"
Yes, a hero saves the day, the nation, and people's lives…but they are also the one who gets the glory.
Oh, how easy it is for me to seek the glory.
So, as I examine my heart, I realize that I'm not the hero; I need a hero.
I have found Him in Christ.
Only He rescues and saves.
Only He deserves the glory.
Incredibly, I participate in His story, participating as He saves others.
My part is not the fixing part; my part is following Him so that I can lead others to Him.
Remember, God is the Hero.
How have you tried to usurp God's role in other people's lives?
What steps can you take to learn your role in other people's lives?
Meditate on a time when it was God who was leading through you.
Lord, thank You for the blessing of being your hands, feet, eyes, and ears for those around us. Please empower us with Your love. Amen